Transistor Driver Circuit. The humble transistor q1 emitter e collector c base b transistor basics emitter to base junction is forward biased normally collector to base junction is reverse biased normally transistors are current operated devices so. This means that any device is switched via its negative terminal sinks rather than the positive sources which is the conventional method.
In electronics a driver is a circuit or component used to control another circuit or component such as a high power transistor liquid crystal display lcd and numerous others. Below is the circuit of a relay driver using the npn transistor bc 548. They are usually used to regulate current flowing through a circuit or to control other factors such as other components some devices in the circuit.
They have different circuit symbols and properties and they are not covered by this page.
The coil of relay needs a current about 100 ma. Below is the circuit of a relay driver using the npn transistor bc 548. The coil of relay needs a current about 100 ma. When the input signal passes through the i k resistor to the base of the transistor it conducts and pulls the relay.