Cmos Xor Circuit. Static logic is a design methodology in integrated circuit design where there is at all times some mechanism to drive the output either high or low. One mosfet has an n channel structure and the other has a p channel structure.
One mosfet has an n channel structure and the other has a p channel structure. Use the cd4007 cmos array for devices m1 6 and one zvn2110a nmos and zvp2110a pmos for each of the two inverter stages m7 8 and m9 10. The aim of this experiment is to design and plot the dynamic characteristics of 2 input nand nor xor and xnor gates based on cmos static logic.
The output of 2 input xor gate is high only when one of its inputs are high.
Build the xor xnor circuit shown in figure 3 on your solder less breadboard. The focus will be on combina. For example in many of the popular logic families such as ttl and traditional cmos. The aim of this experiment is to design and plot the dynamic characteristics of 2 input nand nor xor and xnor gates based on cmos static logic.