Circuit Board Transistors. Essentially any component of a circuit that develops defects or malfunctions can easily cause a transistor to stop working. Boards are usually tan or blue but also come in other colors.
A pcb transistor works to amplify the small charge coming from the batteries and enables the pcb to work finely. A transistor is a semiconductor that allows current to flow through it under certain conditions and cuts current off when other conditions are present. Transistor diagrams are circles with three leads.
You can test a transistor with a multimeter that has a diode test function.
To begin ensure that the circuit is disconnected from a power source and then use a pair of needle nose pliers to remove the transistor from the circuit. Next twist one lead from the first resistor to the drain terminal on the transistor. To begin ensure that the circuit is disconnected from a power source and then use a pair of needle nose pliers to remove the transistor from the circuit. It has three pins and three locations to store and amplify.